
Premier Unbelievable? exists to encourage non-believers to explore faith and to help Christians to understand, defend and share their faith with confidence.

Presented by Ruth Jackson

Every Saturday from 6pm - 7pm

Francis Collins answers your questions on science and faith

5 Jun 2020

Dr. Francis Collins is a renowned geneticist who oversaw the Human Genome Project and is currently the director of the National Institutes of Health, USA responding to Covid-19. He founded Biologos, an organisation seeking to show the complementarity...

Christianity, Psychology and Compassion - Paul Gilbert and Roger Bretherton

29 May 2020

Is Christianity a positive force for compassion in the world? Prof Paul Gilbert and Dr. Roger Bretherton join Justin for a conversation on psychology, the brain, Christianity and what makes us choose compassion over callousness. Prof Paul Gilbert is...

Christendom’s response to plague and pandemic: Tom Holland, Mike Bird and Rev Marcus Walker

15 May 2020

Historian Tom Holland, author of ‘Dominion’ recaps his debate with AC Grayling and talks about his recent article for The Telegraph arguing for the Christian roots of the response we are seeing to the Coronavirus pandemic. Also joining the conversati...

Are martyred apostles good evidence for the resurrection? Sean McDowell vs Paulogia

8 May 2020

Would the followers of Jesus have been willing to suffer and die for something they knew to be false? Can we be historically confident they were martyred at all? Sean McDowell defends his book ‘The Fate of the Apostles’ against atheist YouTuber Paul....

Where do atheists get their meaning from? Zach Broom and Michael Brady

1 May 2020

Zach Broom is the author of ‘Without God: Science, belief, morality and the meaning of life’ in which he claims that many of our most basic intuitions don’t make sense in the absence of God. The book is dedicated to his atheist friend Michael Brady,....

Why doesn’t God end Coronavirus and mend the world? Justin Brierley

30 Apr 2020

In a bonus mid-week episode Justin shares his own thoughts on why God doesn’t step in to stop ‘natural evils’ like coronavirus, plague and natural disasters. Read Justin’s blog on the subject: https://www.premierchristianity.com/Blog/Why-doesn-t-God-...

Is it time to end the war on drugs? Peter Hitchens vs Christina Dent. Plus William Lane Craig and Amy Orr Ewing on God, atheism and Covid 19

23 Apr 2020

Peter Hitchens and Christina Dent, two Christians with very different views on drug legalisation, debate whether or not decriminalisation is the way to combat drug abuse. Justin also chats with Christian thinkers William Lane Craig and Amy Orr-Ewing...

God vs Stephen Hawking – Dave Hutchings, David Wilkinson and Phil Halper

17 Apr 2020

‘God, Stephen Hawking and the Multiverse’ is the name of a new book by physics teacher David Hutchings and Prof David Wilkinson of Durham University. They discuss Hawking, his science, the big bang and what it means for the God question with atheist...

Is the resurrection unbelievable? Jonathan McLatchie vs David Johnson

10 Apr 2020

Christian apologist Jonathan McLatchie and atheist sceptic David Johnson debate the evidence for the resurrection in an Easter weekend edition of the show. For Jonathan McLatchie http://apologetics-academy.org/ For David Johnson https://skep...

John Lennox: Where is God in a Coronavirus world?

8 Apr 2020

In a midweek bonus episode Justin talks to Oxford professor and Christian thinker John Lennox about his new book ‘Where is God in a Coronavirus World?’. The normal format of the show resumes this coming weekend with a resurrection debate. For John Le...

Lockdown special feat. Nicky Gumbel, Megan Cornwell, Andrew Wilson, Esther O Reilly, Will van der Hart and NT Wright

3 Apr 2020

Justin speaks to Christians leaders, thinkers and theologians from lockdown in the UK and USA with a variety of responses to Coronavirus. Nicky Gumbel of the Alpha Course looks for the good coming ou of the storm, Megan Cornwell relates her Covid-19...

An evening with NT Wright live in London

27 Mar 2020

Justin recently hosted An Evening with Tom Wright at Westminster Chapel in London (pre-Coronavirus restrictions!). In this podcast special Tom delivers a talk on ‘Jesus, Paul and the Question of God’ and then sits down with Justin to answer audien...

Coronavirus: How will it change the church and the world? AJ Roberts, Mark Sayers and mystery guest

20 Mar 2020

In a special edition of the show, recorded from home, Justin looks at the present Coronavirus crisis, how the pandemic will change global society and how the church can respond. He chats with Reasons To Believe virologist AJ Roberts, church and cultu...

Antinatalism - should we let humans go extinct? David Benatar vs Bruce Blackshaw

13 Mar 2020

David Benatar is the world’s leading ‘antinatalist’ philosopher. His controversial book ‘Better Never To Have Been’ argues that the suffering of existence always outweighs any potential good and that it is morally wrong to bring new human beings into...

The Genealogical Adam and Eve – Joshua Swamidass and Nathan Lents

6 Mar 2020

Joshua Swamidass is the author of ‘The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The surprising science of universal ancestry’. He says that the book could end the war between evolution and creation as it reveals the scientific basis for why everybody on earth coul...