Why is God hidden? Justin Schieber and Blake Giunta


If God exists why doesn’t he make his existence more obvious to everyone? Atheist philosophers such as John Schellenburg have argued that God’s ‘hiddenness’ from non-believers who would otherwise want to be in a relationship with him is evidence that God does not exist. Justin Schieber return for a philosophical edition of the show to defend this objection against God.
Blake Giunta is a young Christian philosopher. He explains why he believes Schellenberg’s argument against God is faulty. God may have many good reasons not to reveal himself explicitly to non-believers.
For Unbelievable? the Conference 2017: http://www.premier.org.uk/whychrist 
For Blake Giunta's 'Belief Map': https://beliefmap.org/
For Justin Schieber's 'Real Atheology': https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQa6mPLOE2yuMCrDjRio_nA  
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Released on 24 Feb 2017

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