Unbelievable? 17 Oct 2009 - The "Evangelical Universalist" is revealed


"The Evangelical Universalist" was published several years ago.  The author claimed to be an evangelical Christian who believes that everyone will ultimately be saved.  He published under a pen name, but recently revealed his true identity as Robin Parry, editorial director of UK Christian publisher Paternoster.
While Robin's views do not represent those of Paternoster, he tells why he has personally come to believe that the Bible teaches that everyone will ultimately be saved.
Laurence M Blanchard, a pastor and author in California responds to Robin's arguments and raises questions such as "what's the point of evangelism if everyone will be saved?"
Read Robin's blog here: http://theologicalscribbles.blogspot.com/
Read his blog as the Evangelical Universalist here: http://evangelicaluniversalist.blogspot.com/
Read about Laurence Blanchard here: http://http://www.charteroaklighthouse.org/about_us.htm
To order "The Evangelical Universalist" book:
Click here for the UK
Click here for the US
To hear more Christian and non-Christian debates visit the showpage at www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or get the podcast or via Itunes
If you enjoyed this programme you may also enjoy the original show when Parry's voice was disguised:
Unbelievable? 15 Mar 2008 Christian Universalism - Will everyone be saved?
For information on the Zacharias Trust apologetics training day mentioned at the end of the programme visit http://www.zactrust.org/
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Released on 5 Jun 2014

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