Multiverse Show 2: Fine-tuning fights back! Luke Barnes & Max Andrews


Following a recent show in which both guests argued in favour of the multiverse, Justin is joined by Luke Barnes, an Australian physicist whose new book ‘A Fortunate Universe: Life in a Finely Tuned Cosmos’ makes the case for the fine tuning of our universe for life and is co-written with Geraint Lewis.  Luke is sceptical of the ability of multiverse theory and its ability to solve the riddle of fine tuning and explains why.

Max Andrews is a PhD student researching the philosophy of the multiverse. He unpacks some of his research on the implication of the ‘quantum’ theory of the multiverse for theology and fine tuning. 

For A Fortunate Universe:

For Luke Barnes

For Max Andrews

The Rethinking Hell Conference 2016

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Released on 30 Sep 2016

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