James White vs William Lane Craig: Calvinism vs Molinism on the problem of evil


Calvinism and Molinism are two very different ways of understanding God's sovereignty. But which one best addresses the problem of evil? 
James White argues that Calvinism - God foreordaining all human behaviour both good and evil - is the more Biblical and coherent view. William (Bill) Lane Craig argues that Molinism - a view which reconciles human freedom and divine sovereignty - is Biblically consistent without making God the author of evil.
For James White: https://www.aomin.org  
For Bill Craig: https://www.reasonablefaith.org  
For the 2013 Bill Craig & Paul Helm dialogue on Calvinism & Molinism: https://bit.ly/3o550G0  
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Released on 3 Dec 2021

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