Classic: Faith vs. doubt - a clash of worldviews Os Guinness and Ed Atkinson


Can faith withstand scrutiny? Can doubt lead to truth? In this classic Unbelievable? episode from 2014, Justin Brierley hosts a gripping dialogue between Os Guinness, renowned author and social critic, and Ed Atkinson, a former Christian turned atheist. And listen out as Ed joins the show again in a few weeks.

🔍 What’s Inside?
🔥 Os defends the rational and experiential case for faith
🔥 Ed shares his journey from belief to atheism
🔥 They challenge each other on meaning, morality, and worldview bias
🔥 They explore the role of science, religion, and love in shaping belief
🔥 Can faith be intellectually credible? Can atheism provide ultimate meaning?
🎧 Listen in as they debate, challenge, and wrestle with life’s biggest questions.
📖 Get Os Guinness's latest book: Our Civilisational Moment: The Waning of the West and the War of the Worlds 👉

Released on 18 Mar 2025

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