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Paul Callicott reads the whole of Matthew chapter 21 and comments on this climatic event, Jesus’ Triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and the subsequent day’s events.
Released on 17 Dec 2023
The STUDIES OF MATTHEW’S GOSPEL series is interrupted with a CHRISTMAS MESSAGE from Jonathan Hughes, with the unusual tile of ‘The tyranny of Christmas’. Jonathan considers how Christians should celebrate the wonder of the Incarnation and avoid worldly traditions so that we experience the real peace of God at Christmas. He also considers Jesus’ genealogy and the account of His birth and the subsequent visit of the Magi, in an insightful way.
The Truth for Today STUDIES OF MATTHEW’S GOSPEL series resumes with Paul Thomson talking on the next parable, the parable of the marriage feast (Matthew 22:1-14) that Jesus told against the nation of Israel in the temple during His last week in Jerusalem. Paul then talks about how Jesus answered His critics.
Although the majority of Matthew 23 is about the eight Woe statements made to the Pharisees on the last day of Jesus’ public teaching in the temple, David Anderson considers all sections of Matthew 23: vv.1-12, Jesus warned the common people and His disciples about these religious leaders; vv.13-32, Jesus’ eight denunciations of the Pharisees’ blatant hypocrisy; vv.33-36, Jesus’ declaration of the Pharisees’ inevitable fate; vv.37-39, Jesus’ moving lament over Jerusalem.
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