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In this episode we’re continuing Pastor Jeff’s message on Courageous Love. The story of Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi, and Boaz, the kinsman redeemer who ensured they were safe in Bethlehem. Ruth loved Naomi, but she also trusted Naomi’s God, Yahweh. Scripture ref: Ruth 4
Released on 10 Oct 2023
We are ultimately saved by Grace, a product of our God’s overwhelming holiness. In today’s message, Pastor Jeff asks ’does it really matter how we live?’ We’ll be encouraged to really think about how important it is for us to live a particular way, as followers of Christ. Scripture ref: Exodus 19
In this episode we continue to look at the overwhelming holiness of God, and how this should affect the way we approach Him, plus the way we live. We are saved by Grace but, Pastor Jeff says, that’s not a license to live however we want. Scripture ref: Exodus 19
In today’s episode, Pastor Jeff implores us to respond to God’s invitation to be in relationship with Him. It’s true God loves us unconditionally, but in order to share in His blessings in eternity we must RSVP to His offer of forgiveness and be reconciled to Him. Scripture ref: Various
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