Yoga for Lent?


The latest episode of the Woman Alive podcast is out with host Tola-Doll Fisher putting the controversial topic of yoga to three guests. Is it a great way to meet God in the spiritual season of Lent or does its links with eastern religions bring too much baggage?

Pauline Steenbergen is a Church of Scotland minister and author of Embody Lent...In 29 Yoga Postures which featured in the March issue of Woman Alive. Pauline is passionate about integrating the practice with Christian spirituality. Find out more at

Sherrell Moore-Tucker runs a wellness ministry using movement called Mind Body Faith and acts as a mind and body practitioner, specialising in bringing wellness to those suffering with chronic pain. Find her at

And Ruth Carpenter runs the exercise class Psalms & Stretches combining exercise with biblical meditation. Ruth has a background in dance and Pilates.

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Released on 18 Mar 2024

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