The Profile

Every Saturday from 8pm

Rev Dr Christopher Wright: Understanding the mission of God

8 Sep 2023

The noted Old Testament scholar Dr Christopher Wright shares his testimony of coming to faith as a child, and explains how his experience overseas and working in other cultures has informed his academic work on mission. He also comments on the Church...

Leadership special: Steve & Angie Campbell 'Lead where you are'

6 Sep 2023

Andy Peck talks to Steve & Angie Campbell co-leaders of Global Leadership Network UK about a series of leadership conferences that are being hosted around the UK in the Autumn and Spring. The discuss how such talks over the years have impacted th...

Rend Collective's Chris Llewellyn: Writing worship songs on doubt and deconstruction

1 Sep 2023

It's a bold move, and one the lead singer of Rend Collective knows will be controversial in some circles. Nevertheless, the songwriter of some of the Church's most well known worship songs, including 'Build Your Kingdom Here' and 'My Lighthouse' is r...

Leadership special: Judah and Rachel Cole on 'Planting churches that love their community'

30 Aug 2023

Andy Peck speaks with Judah and Rachel Cole of Open Well Church, Liverpool who planted their first church just a few hundred yards from their first 'date' together in Salford, and went on to plant two more as God used their approach of loving and ble...

Dr Isabelle Hamley: Brexit, reconciliation and encountering God through his Church

25 Aug 2023

Former chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Isabelle Hamley is on a mission to normalise the subject of mental health within the church. It's a subject she's familiar with, having dealt with anorexia as a teenager, and an abusive childhood hom...

Leadership special: Lauren Crook 'Helping Christians engage in kingdom living'

23 Aug 2023

Andy Peck talks with Lauren Crook, head of Kingdom Living Ministries, which looks to assist Christians in living a kingdom life where he has placed them. They talk about how the ministry has developed under God's direction and what it's like leading...

Wes Streeting MP: How Labour's 'rising star' found his way back to faith

18 Aug 2023

Labour’s shadow health minister Wes Streeting MP speaks to Emma Fowle about growing up in poverty, reconciling his faith and sexuality, and building bridges across political and religious divides. The Profile is brought to you by Premier Christia...

Leadership special: Sam Reimer 'How culture is impacting UK churches'

16 Aug 2023

Andy Peck talks to Sam Reimer professor of sociology at Crandall University in Canada and the author of 'Caught in the Current: British and Canadian Evangelicals in an age of self-spirituality'. They discuss his research of church leaders in the UK a...

Dr Neil T Anderson: How to find freedom in Christ

11 Aug 2023

The bestselling author of The Bondage Breaker and the founder of Freedom in Christ ministries sits down with Sam Hailes to reflect on his lifetime of ministry. The pair cover a range of topics including how Dr Anderson came to faith, why unforgivenes...

Leadership special: Scot McKnight 'Why I translated the New Testament'

9 Aug 2023

Andy Peck talks to Scot McKnight, Professor of New Testament at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Lisle, IL and author of The Second Testament. They discuss why 'another translation' was needed, what leadership material Scot values, what he be...

Jessica Oyelowo: Honouring motherhood and repenting of jealousy // Ian Green: Music producer to the stars

4 Aug 2023

In this candid interview, actress and singer Jessica Oyelowo opens up about how being married to Hollywood star David Oyelowo led to a battle with her own identity. "I felt like my name just became 'plus one'" she says, before admitting she grappled...

Leadership special: Malcolm Macdonald on seeking God for revival

2 Aug 2023

Andy Peck talks to Malcolm Macdonald, vicar of St Mary's Church, Loughton, Essex, about his book, 'Saturated with God: A cry for nation-changing revival'. They talk about how Malcolm's interest in revival was sparked by connections to the last 'reviv...

Leadership special: Glenn Packiam on how to develop resilience as a leader

31 Jul 2023

Andy Peck talks to Glenn Packiam about his book, 'The Resilient Pastor: Leading Your Church in a Rapidly Changing World' They look at what resilience is, how to develop it and what if we are tempted to give up and move on? The Profile is brou...

Dr Hormoz Shariat: Revival is coming to Iran

28 Jul 2023

Speaking to Premier Christianity editor Sam Hailes, the founder of Iran Alive Ministries, Dr Hormoz Shariat, shares his testimony of coming to faith from a Muslim background, and explains why he is confident - both by faith and by sight - that his ho...

Catherine Campbell: From heartache to hope

21 Jul 2023

In this deeply moving interview, the Christian author and former nurse, Catherine Campbell shares her incredible journey of faith, resilience, and divine assurance in the face of heartbreaking adversity. Speaking to Premier's northern correspondent I...

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