Writer Joy Marie Clarkson on connection


With parents in full-time ministry Joy Clarkson lived in several American states growing up including Texas, Tennessee, Colorado and California. She was often home schooled which lead, as she says to a 'transitory childhood.'

But moving while young also allowed her to witness different types of Christianity and people. Books became 'friends' and she began keeping a journal as a young person admitting in her diary that she was a writer and a poet.

As an adult she became just that, throwing in a move to the UK as well and earning a PHD in Theology from the University of St Andrews. She's now a Research Associate at Kings College London.

Joy is the author of Aggressively Happy and You are a Tree: and other Metaphors to Nourish Life, Thought and Prayer and on this episode explains how writing helps make connections.

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Released on 13 Dec 2024

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