Taylor Schumann: ‘He shot me but I forgive him‘ // Mark Vernon: What Dante can teach us 700 years later


When a bullet tore through Taylor Schumann's left hand on an otherwise average afternoon at New River Community College in Virginia, it changed everything. In the split-second moment of the shooting, and the long work of healing and trauma recovery that followed, her beliefs about gun reform and the role of the church in the USA's historic and future violence were irreversibly altered. She speaks to Premier Rachel Matthews about the events, and how she came to forgive her attacker, as explained in her new book When thoughts and prayers are not enough.
In part two Justin Brierley meets Mark Vernon, author of Dante’s Divine Comedy: A guide for the spiritual journey. As Italy marks the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death this month, the pair discuss the medieval writer’s literary and spiritual legacy.
For Taylor Schumann: taylorschumann.com  
For Mark Vernon: markvernon.com/books/dantes-divine-comedy-book
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Released on 17 Sep 2021

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