Shane Claiborne: The Red Letter Christian on beating gun and knife violence and wrestling with LGBT issues


During a recent visit to London, Shane Claiborne met with Premier Christianity’s Sam Hailes to discuss a number of issues close to his heart. Claiborne is well known as a social activist, author and campaigner who has long advocated for nonviolence and simple living. Recalling his formative experience working with Mother Theresa, Claiborne speaks about the importance of loving the person in front of you and following Jesus in everything. He is part of a movement know as Red Letter Christians, who emphasise the words of Jesus printed in red in some Bibles. The co-founder of that movement Tony Campolo recently had a change of heart on same-sex marriage. Has Shane been on a similar journey? And does he really think the problems of gun violence in the US and knife crime in the UK can be overcome?
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Released on 25 Oct 2019

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