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Andy Peck chats with Stephen Dempster, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at Crandall University, New Brunswick, Canada about his recent book, Return of the Kingdom: a biblical theology of God’s Reign.
They discuss how an understanding of the kingdom in the Bible informs the leadership of Christians today, look at why the Hebrew order of the Old Testament books is preferable, and how Jesus’ style leadership is the model for all believers.
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Released on 7 May 2024
Andy Peck speaks with Jamie Phear, former Professor of English in the US and now writing full time and helping women develop their calling. They discuss how calling may change over time and why having a regular retreat is so beneficial. The Profi...
As part of mental health awareness week, Sam Hailes talks to Patrick Regan, founder of Christian mental health charity Kintsugi Hope on mediating between Jamaican gang leaders, facing criticism from fellow Christians, and why the Bible is full of wis...
Andy Peck talks with the co-authors of ‘The Hopeful Activist: discovering the vital change you were made to bring’ about developing biblically based understanding of initiating political and social change. Rich has co-led Tearfund's policy and advoca...
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