Creationism as God's truth with Ken Ham


Ken Ham grew up in Australia in a Christian household where biblical authority was king and the world was created by God in 6 days.
Aged just 24 he preached his first sermon countering the growing evolutionary teaching that theologians were beginning to incorporate into the story of Genesis.
After becoming a science teacher he went on to be CEO of Answers in Genesis, an apologist ministry for young earth creationism which teaches the first book of the Bible as literal truth, not just metaphorical stories. Ham's views aren't shared by all evangelicals, and in this interview he responds to common criticisms of his position.
Ham is now based in the US where he oversees two popular attractions: The Creation Museum and Ark Encounter which features a life-size 510-foot-long Noah’s Ark.
On today's podcast we'll hear how Ken's upbringing helps him counter challenges to his faith from scientists and rationalists and argues why all Christians should believe the literal truth of the Bible.
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Released on 20 Sep 2024

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