Bruxy Cavey: Creating a church for people who don’t do church // Paul Wilbur: Messianic worship leader on praising the God of Israel


Bruxy Cavey is teaching pastor of The Meeting House in Toronto, one of Canada’s largest churches. He talk to Justin Brierley about  his unusual journey to being a pastor, his anabaptist theology, how his wife proposed to him in front of their church congregation and his new book Reunion: The good news of Jesus for seekers, saints and sinners.
Paul Wilbur is a leading songwriter and worship leader in the Messianic movement (made up of Jews who recognise Jesus as the Messiah). He tells Sam Hailes how he found God and shares his view on how Gentile Christians should relate to Jews and the nation of Israel.  He is the writer of many worship songs in both Hebrew and English including 'Kadosh', 'Shalom Jerusalem' and 'Baruch Adonai El Shaddai'. 
The Profile is brought to you in association with Premier Christianity magazine. For a free sample copy of the print issue visit
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Released on 30 Dec 2017

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