Bishop Rachel Treweek: Smashing the stained-glass ceiling


Long before Rachel Treweek shattered the so-called stained-glass ceiling by becoming the first female diocesan bishop in the Church of England, she was challenging the status quo. As a young girl growing up in leafy Hertfordshire, the church she attended – a local traditional Anglican parish – had an all-male robed choir. With a keen sense of her own worth and talents, she asked the priest if she could join, and the rest, as they say, is history. Quite literally, in the bishop’s case, as she went on to become the first woman clergy to sit in the House of Lords years later. In this in-depth interview with Premier Christianity’s deputy editor Megan Cornwell, Bishop Rachel explains how she became a Christian, and what a calling to ministry looked like for her. She also comments on some of the more tricky issues facing the Church of England including divisions over gay marriage and how to handle transgender issues.
You can also read this interview in the latest issue of Premier Christianity magazine. To request a free sample copy of the latest print issue visit

Released on 12 Jun 2019

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