Aussie church planter Stephen McAlpine on why the gospel is 'suffer now, glory later'


"Low grade, slow grade, slow cooked church changes you in ways you can't imagine." That's according to experienced church planter, author and cultural commentator Stephen McAlpine. In this interview with Premier Christianity's Sam Hailes, Stephen argues that regular, habitual church attendance is vital. "If you say, 'we'll go to this service, but next week we won't go, and the week after that we have a sporting event...' don't be surprised that your teenagers don't end up Christian." Born in Belfast, Stephen has experience ministering across many nations including Northern Ireland, England and Australia, where he is now based. He's the author of Being the bad guys: How to live for Jesus in a world that says you shouldn't and most recently Futureproof: How to live for Jesus in a culture that keeps on changing (The Good Book Company). Much of Stephen's work is designed to help Christians in the West share the good news with a world that is increasingly antagonistic towards faith. The appropriate response to Christians being perceived as the 'bad guys', is not for us to become angry or dismayed, argues Stephen. "Let's own our stuff. We have divergent views from the mainstream culture about what human flourishing is about, and what sex and gender are about." It may be uncomfortable, but we're called to stand firm. After all the Gospel is "suffer now, glory later", he says. "You can't get away from that," he adds.

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Released on 29 Mar 2024

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