Andrea Williams: Christian Concern, gospel truth and my battle with cancer


Andrea Williams, 53, is intense, driven and uncompromising. She often refers to Jesus as “the Lord Jesus Christ” and believes Christians have been “ashamed of the gospel” for too long. In this in-depth interview with Premier Christianity’s editor Sam Hailes, she does not mince her words, as she challenges Christians to be bolder in speaking up for the truth. The founder of Christian Concern also defends her political and legal work and opens up about her recent battle with cancer. Williams believes Christians have become too worried about how the world views us. “We are so concerned about our Twitter feeds”, she says. “You know we are so concerned about appearing to welcome, to reflect the culture, as opposed to contend and set the culture, which is what of our forefathers did when they took the Gospel to other nations.” 
The Profile is brought to you in association with Premier Christianity magazine. Click here to read the online version of this interview, or to request a free sample copy of the latest print issue visit

Released on 17 May 2019

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