Stop the Parish, I Want to Get Off!

Based on the book by Audrey Carter. Read by Lynn Robertson Hay. Meet the Carter Family: Audrey, her husband Tom, their three nearly grown up sons Derek, Anthony and Martin, Pooky the cat and Samuel Smudge the dog. Tom was a high-flying businessman before the call to church ministry hit; he’s now a newly ordained minister in the Parish of St Jude's in the Church of England. Through a series of frank and often funny letters to God, Audrey gives us an unfiltered picture of life as a vicar’s wife. Stop the Parish, I Want to Get Off! was first broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 1997-1998.

Stop The Parish 119

24 Aug 2023

Audrey is unimpressed with the toilets where she and Tom are staying.

Stop The Parish 118

24 Aug 2023

Audrey’s and Tom’s arrival on French soil is a bit undignified when their car breaks down.

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24 Aug 2023

Audrey and Tom set sail for France.

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24 Aug 2023

It’s the day before the big trip.

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24 Aug 2023

Preparation for the France trip continue, including making sure the car is in good shape

Stop The Parish 80

24 Aug 2023

Sally’s antics continue to give Audrey headaches.

Stop The Parish 113

24 Aug 2023

It’s the first anniversary of Tom’s ordination.

Stop The Parish 112

24 Aug 2023

Opinions are split amongst the congregation of St Jude’s over a flock of sheep that graze in the churchyard.

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24 Aug 2023

Audrey resorts to telling a few fibs in order to help Tom have a restful day off.

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24 Aug 2023

The church fair is a huge success. Audrey is in shock.

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24 Aug 2023

It’s the last day of preparations before the big church fair.

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24 Aug 2023

St Jude’s attempts to get the men interested in baking with a ‘men-only’ cake contest as part of the church fair.

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24 Aug 2023

The flower festival at St Jude’s comes to a close.

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24 Aug 2023

St Jude’s plays host to a golden wedding anniversary celebration.

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24 Aug 2023

It’s Sea Sunday at St Jude’s; a time for maritime stories and prayers full of boat-related puns.