A good test shows you what you really are, what’s really in you. If you’re in denial, the tests are devastating. If you’re dropping the ball, the tests are traps. Jesus says the only way you’re going to come through the tests of life is if you seek G...
In this passage, we finally get to a particular kind of prayer in which people are very interested: to the place where Jesus says prayer is a way to change our circumstances. Prayer makes a difference. You can come to God and say, “Give us this day...
I’ll say it consciously: this is our worst nightmare. More than anyone else in history, modern people believe we ought to have a good life and we ought to have some control over our lives. But Jesus says when you connect with God, you must pray, “Thy...
What does it mean to hallow? It’s a word virtually never used anymore in everyday English, but we don’t quite have an equivalent. To hallow something means to treat it as sacred and ultimate. It means to make something your ultimate concern, to make...
Jesus doesn’t just point the way to God—rather, he is the way to God because he’s risen. And that means that for Christians, prayer is a unique, radically different process than it is for other religions and philosophies. Prayer is a rather universa...
The Psalms is the divinely inspired prayer book, but when you open this prayer book, the first page is not a prayer. It’s a meditation on meditation. Meditation is not the same as studying the Bible. In studying the Bible you’re just learning informa...
The Lord’s Prayer is quite a workout. You’re asking for a lot of things: daily bread, deliver us from evil. But at the end, you rest in God. The last phrase in the Lord’s Prayer is, “For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and e...
We don’t see that envy is as terrible as it really is. Envy is wanting somebody else’s life. Do you know what that does? It sucks the joy out of the life you actually have. In Psalm 73, the psalmist is living as good a life as he can, and everything...
What if I told you there was a process and no matter how much you blew up your life, if you used this process, there would be a way to come out the other side whole? Well, here it is. It’s what the Bible calls repentance. You say, “You mean just sayi...
We need every bit of help we can get to learn to pray, “Thy will be done,” because we’re going right into the teeth of our culture. The essence of American culture is the belief that the more free we are to decide for ourselves, the happier we’ll be...
What does it mean to pray, “Thy kingdom come”? Jesus gave us his instruction on how to pray in the Lord’s Prayer, and it’s filled with concepts you need to know from the rest of the Bible. There are two places—Matthew 5 and Luke 6—where Jesus tells...
Hallowed is an old English word that means to treat something as sacred. It means to be captivated, astonished, melted with grateful joy for who God is and what he has done. For many years, I felt I didn’t know how to praise God, because nobody ever...
What does it mean to pray, “Our Father”? It’s much more complicated than you think. Everything Jesus Christ came to do—the reason he came, the purpose of his salvation—was that we might receive adoption. We can pray “Our Father” because we’ve been a...
If you’re going to deal with the brutal realities of life, the writer of Hebrews says you have to have shepherds in your life. Hebrews is written to people whose lives are filled with problems. And here, in the last passage of Hebrews, the writer tel...
When you embrace God by faith two things come into your life: a transforming power and a deep tension. It’s a duality. If you try to resolve the deep tension, you lose the transforming power. The writer of Hebrews says the great believers in history...