Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

Many people today think that seeing is believing, but Christians know there is more to life than meets the eye. We must look beyond this momentary life to understand its eternal significance, walking by faith rather than by sight. Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson is a weekday devotional podcast featuring thoughtful reflections on the Christian life and our relationship with God. Each week follows a theme to guide you day by day in the pursuit of spiritual renewal. A podcast from Ligonier Ministries.

The Faults We Fail to Notice

16 Jan 2023

Just as one stain can ruin our favorite outfit, a neglected blemish on a Christian's character can spoil his witness. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on a penetrating letter by John Newton, who wrote the hymn "Amazing Grace." Read the tra...

Eyes Opened to Christ

13 Jan 2023

When we come to know Jesus Christ as Savior, we're also coming to know the Creator of all that exists. Today, Sinclair Ferguson shows that becoming a Christian opens our eyes to view the world from a wholly new perspective. Read the transcript:

Unbelief: A Moral Issue

12 Jan 2023

At some point, everyone who claims to be an atheist will give themselves away. Their rejection of God is ultimately a moral issue, not an intellectual one. Today, Sinclair Ferguson discloses the relationship between unbelief and a hatred of God. Read...

Our Identity: The Image of God

11 Jan 2023

One of the blessings of being Christians today is that, unlike people all around us, we know who we are and why we're here. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains why a denial of God's existence inevitably results in an identity crisis. Read the transcrip...

No Real Atheists

10 Jan 2023

Since we live in a world where everything reveals God, no one can ultimately escape the reality of His existence. Today, Sinclair Ferguson demonstrates how Christians can respond to professing atheists and point them toward the truth. Read the transc...

Creation Reveals the Creator

9 Jan 2023

Just as the work of a great artist reveals his characteristics, everything in the universe bears the stamp, "Made by God." Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers how God reveals Himself in all creation. Read the transcript:

A Life-Changing Experience

6 Jan 2023

Many of us can remember an experience that changed our lives forever. The prophet Isaiah had such an encounter with the holiness of God. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers what Isaiah's unforgettable experience teaches about our own relationship with...

How to Be Happy

5 Jan 2023

Our loving heavenly Father wants His children to be a joyful people. But sometimes we seek out joy and fulfillment where they can never be found. Today, Sinclair Ferguson shows where true happiness lies and how Christians can obtain it. Read the...

A Resolution for the Christian Life

4 Jan 2023

Although the Apostle Paul occupied himself with many labors, he could summarize his life by saying, "one thing I do" (Phil. 3:13). Today, Sinclair Ferguson explores Paul's single resolution and the direction it gives to the Christian life....

Growing in Love for the Church

3 Jan 2023

When we come to faith in Jesus Christ, we're not only bound together with Him, but we're also bound to His people. Today, Sinclair Ferguson presents the new year as an opportunity to grow in love for the church, the family of God. Read the transcript...

Beginning a New Year Well

2 Jan 2023

A new year represents an opportunity to commit ourselves to the Lord. Today, Sinclair Ferguson invites us to express our commitment afresh to God and to pray for His help in the year ahead. Read the transcript:

A New Daily Devotional Podcast: Things Unseen

28 Nov 2022

Beginning January 2, 2023, join Sinclair Ferguson for this new daily devotional podcast. Every Monday through Friday, listen to thoughtful reflections on the Christian life and our relationship with God. Subscribe today so you don’t miss an episode.