Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

Many people today think that seeing is believing, but Christians know there is more to life than meets the eye. We must look beyond this momentary life to understand its eternal significance, walking by faith rather than by sight. Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson is a weekday devotional podcast featuring thoughtful reflections on the Christian life and our relationship with God. Each week follows a theme to guide you day by day in the pursuit of spiritual renewal. A podcast from Ligonier Ministries.

A Little Pulpit in Scotland

3 Jul 2023

Some locations mark our lives forever because of what God did for us there. Today, Sinclair Ferguson takes a mental visit to the pulpit he sat under when he came to faith in Jesus Christ--a pulpit from which he later preached. Read the transcript:

The Glory of God’s Providence

30 Jun 2023

Through all the hardships of his life, God brought Joseph to the right place at the right time and made him the right man for the task at hand. Today, Sinclair Ferguson discusses the transformative glory of divine providence. Read the transcript:

Instruments of God’s Providence

29 Jun 2023

All of God's people have a role to play in the good purposes of His providence. Today, listen as Sinclair Ferguson examines the way that God used Joseph to achieve reconciliation with his brothers. Read the transcript:

The Mystery of Providence

28 Jun 2023

While the doctrine of providence does not relieve us from going through hard times, it reassures us that God knows what He is doing. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the perspective that the Lord's sovereignty offers us. Read the transcript:

God Meant It for Good

27 Jun 2023

The story of Joseph is filled with jealousy, deception, and sorrow. Yet in the end, Joseph says, "God meant it for good" (Gen. 50:20). Today, Sinclair Ferguson begins to examine this case study in God's surprising providence. Read the trans...

All Things Work Together

26 Jun 2023

In painful circumstances, we sometimes ask, "Why is this happening to me?" Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on the comfort of God's providence and His promise to work all things together for the good of His people. Read the transcript:

The Spirit of the Father

23 Jun 2023

When the Holy Spirit indwells us, one of our first and highest privileges is to address God as "Abba! Father" (Rom. 8:15). Today, Sinclair Ferguson expresses the joy of becoming an adopted child of God by the Spirit's power. Read the transc...

The Spirit of Christ

22 Jun 2023

Jesus, in His human nature, relied on the power of the Holy Spirit in order to accomplish the work of our redemption. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on this truth to deepen our appreciation for our Savior and the Spirit. Read the transcript:

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

21 Jun 2023

The very same Holy Spirit who indwelt Jesus throughout the course of His life now dwells in every believer. Today, Sinclair Ferguson begins to unfold the wonderful implications of this indwelling. Read the transcript:

Another Helper

20 Jun 2023

On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus promised His disciples that He would ask the Father to give them "another Helper" (John 14:16). Today, Sinclair Ferguson tells us what this title for the Holy Spirit reveals about Him. Read the tra...

Knowing the Holy Spirit

19 Jun 2023

Often when people talk about the Holy Spirit, their attention focuses on the gifts and blessings He bears in our lives. Today, Sinclair Ferguson challenges us to get to know the Spirit who is at work in us. Read the transcript:

Reconciliation in Christ

16 Jun 2023

The disintegration of relationships in this world is rooted ultimately in our alienation from a holy God. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on the reconciliation that Christ has accomplished to bring us peace and new life. Read the transcript:

Redemption through His Blood

15 Jun 2023

By nature, we are slaves to sin who need to be redeemed. But the good news is this: Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, has purchased His people with His own blood. Today, Sinclair Ferguson conveys the freedom found in Christ alone. Read the transcript:

God Justifies the Ungodly

14 Jun 2023

We can never be more justified than when we came to faith in Jesus--nor any less--for it is Christ's righteousness and not our own that makes us right in God's sight. Today, Sinclair Ferguson displays the wonder of the gospel. Read the transcript:

The Propitiation for Our Sins

13 Jun 2023

We all deserve the wrath of God for our sin. But in the wonder of God's mercy and the terror of His justice, Christ was crushed in place of His people. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains the crucial work of Christ's propitiation. Read the transcript: