Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

Many people today think that seeing is believing, but Christians know there is more to life than meets the eye. We must look beyond this momentary life to understand its eternal significance, walking by faith rather than by sight. Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson is a weekday devotional podcast featuring thoughtful reflections on the Christian life and our relationship with God. Each week follows a theme to guide you day by day in the pursuit of spiritual renewal. A podcast from Ligonier Ministries.

He Was Tempted as We Are

24 Jul 2023

Jesus knows what it is like to be tempted. But how could the Son of God really be tempted? Today, Sinclair Ferguson expresses the consolation we find in Christ's true humanity and the hope that His complete sinlessness brings. Read the transcript:

The Gospel according to Isaiah

21 Jul 2023

Few chapters in the Bible so vividly depict the glory of the gospel in the humiliation and exaltation of Christ as Isaiah 53. Today, Sinclair Ferguson opens this passage to reflect with wonder on the Suffering Servant. Read the transcript:

The Savior’s Open Ear

20 Jul 2023

Day by day, Jesus attentively submitted to His Father's Word. This obedience led in one direction: to the cross. Today on Things Unseen, listen as Sinclair Ferguson turns to a prophecy that reveals Christ's submission to death and defeat of the grave...

A Light for the Nations

19 Jul 2023

The prophet Isaiah described the Messiah as One who would be forsaken so that people from every nation could be accepted before God. Today, Sinclair Ferguson marvels at Christ, whose alienation has accomplished our welcome. Read the transcript:

A Bruised Reed He Will Not Break

18 Jul 2023

In our weakness, we are as bruised reeds and dimly burning wicks. But Jesus, in His mercy, mends His people and fans them into life. Today, Sinclair Ferguson examines a tenderhearted picture of Christ from the book of Isaiah. Read the transcript:

Meeting Christ in the Old Testament

17 Jul 2023

Many people are interested in finding Christ in the Old Testament, but often we miss the most important element of this approach to Scripture. Today, Sinclair Ferguson shows how Jesus Himself related to the Old Testament. Read the transcript:

The Family of God

14 Jul 2023

Greater than all of Scripture's pictures describing the church is the biblical reality itself: we are the family of God. Today, Sinclair Ferguson unfolds the blessings Christians enjoy as adopted brothers and sisters in Christ. Read the transcript:

The Temple of God

13 Jul 2023

As living stones, Christians are being built up together to display the glory of the Lord in their fellowship. Today, Sinclair Ferguson examines the Bible's depiction of the church as the temple of God. Read the transcript:

The Bride of Christ

12 Jul 2023

Scripture describes the church as a bride preparing to appear in unblemished splendor before her loving Bridegroom. Today, Sinclair Ferguson shows how this image helps us be patient with one another's progress in sanctification. Read the transcript:

The Flock of God

11 Jul 2023

When sheep hear the familiar sound of their shepherd's voice, they draw nearer to him and to one another. Today, listen as Sinclair Ferguson reflects on the beautiful pastoral imagery of the church as the flock of God. Read the transcript:

The Body of Christ

10 Jul 2023

Why does the New Testament describe the church as the body of Christ? Today, Sinclair Ferguson conveys the significance of seeing Jesus as our Head and Christians as members of one another. Read the transcript:

A Marble Pulpit in South Carolina

7 Jul 2023

A pastor's love for his people isn't so much worked up as it is sent down. Today, Sinclair Ferguson takes us to a pulpit in South Carolina, beloved for the people who surrounded it, to consider the love God gives to His church. Read the transcript:


6 Jul 2023

"Home" may be a word that brings joy or sorrow. Today, Sinclair Ferguson thinks on several homes in his life and reminds Christians where our home most truly lies: with the family of God in the fellowship of the church. Read the transcript:

A Seminary in Philadelphia

5 Jul 2023

It was one of the hardest decisions of a young Scotsman's life to go and teach at an American seminary. But there, God blessed him with friends. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects on the cherished gift of friendship. Read the transcript:

Room C37

4 Jul 2023

In a university bedroom, an 18-year-old Sinclair Ferguson was prompted to study the books of the Bible and the great Christian classics. Today, he imparts lessons from this experience to encourage a new generation of readers. Read the transcript: