Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

Many people today think that seeing is believing, but Christians know there is more to life than meets the eye. We must look beyond this momentary life to understand its eternal significance, walking by faith rather than by sight. Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson is a weekday devotional podcast featuring thoughtful reflections on the Christian life and our relationship with God. Each week follows a theme to guide you day by day in the pursuit of spiritual renewal. A podcast from Ligonier Ministries.

Rest for Our Souls

16 Aug 2023

Jesus understands our weakness and draws close to us in our need. Today, Sinclair Ferguson beckons us to come near to the One who provides rest for our weary souls. Read the transcript:

He Grew in Favor with God

15 Aug 2023

To see whether you have a healthy, biblical view of Jesus, turn to Luke 2:52, which says He grew "in favor with God and man." Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains how this passage shows the true humanity of our incarnate Lord. Read the transcr...

The Personal Jesus

14 Aug 2023

Since the Christian life involves an ongoing transformation of becoming more like Jesus, we need to know what Jesus is actually like. Today, Sinclair Ferguson expresses the importance of knowing our Lord personally and deeply. Read the transcript:

The Legacy of a Godly Life

11 Aug 2023

Bill never ministered to large churches or spoke at conferences. But he touched lives by remaining the same constant Christian year after year. Today, Sinclair Ferguson thanks God for one of the godliest men he has ever known. Read the transcript:

A Christian’s Enduring Influence

10 Aug 2023

Even if their paths cross only for a season, Christians can leave a lifelong impact on one another's spiritual lives. Today, Sinclair Ferguson remembers Dennis, whom God used in his life as a first-year university student. Read the transcript:

An Older Friend in the Faith

9 Aug 2023

Hamish didn't set out to be a mentor. He simply took an interest in a young man and encouraged him by his love and zeal for Christ. Today, listen as Sinclair Ferguson explains what this formative friendship taught him about discipleship. Read the...

The Man in Black

8 Aug 2023

One icy evening in the dead of winter, a stranger asked a young Sinclair Ferguson, "Are you saved, son?" Today, he describes this momentary exchange that God used as a stepping stone toward saving faith in Jesus Christ. Read the transcript:

Our Hidden Helpers

7 Aug 2023

When we read the obscure names that receive greetings in Paul's letters, we're reminded of the everyday Christians who have invested in our own lives. Today, Sinclair Ferguson invites us to think of these people with gratitude. Read the transcript:

Shaped by Grace

4 Aug 2023

Spiritual growth isn't measured so much by the stature a Christian has attained as it is by the distance traveled and the obstacles overcome. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the many different ways God reshapes our lives. Read the transcript:

Solutions for Distorted Souls

3 Aug 2023

Sin can leave our souls misshapen in subtle ways. Yet the Great Physician offers treatment to reveal and straighten what has gone awry. Today, Sinclair Ferguson conveys the means of being reshaped into the likeness of Christ. Read the transcript:

The Big-Headed Soul

2 Aug 2023

Pride distorts our thinking, making us more willing to heed our own minds than to submit to the mind of God revealed in Scripture. Today, Sinclair Ferguson poses the remedy for sin's big-headed self-sufficiency. Read the transcript:

Turned In on Ourselves

1 Aug 2023

Martin Luther described our sinful condition as being "incurvatus in se," turned in on itself. Today, Sinclair Ferguson identifies the damaging effects of living for ourselves and the transformative way that Christ reshapes us. Read the tra...

The Shape of the Soul

31 Jul 2023

By creating us in His image, God has specially fashioned us for fellowship with Him. But because of sin, our souls have been bent out of shape. Today, Sinclair Ferguson thinks about our need for restoration in Christ. Read the transcript:

All the Kingdoms of the World

28 Jul 2023

The devil offered Jesus the dominion that Adam had lost. This is just what Christ came to regain, but only by the conquest of the cross. Today, Sinclair Ferguson delights in Christ's unwavering devotion to His Father's will. Read the transcript:

The Pinnacle of the Temple

27 Jul 2023

By tempting Jesus to jump off the temple, Satan was inviting Him to win followers by parading the miraculous power of God. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains why Christ really came: to save sinners by suffering in their place. Read the transcript: