The gospel transforms our relationships with fellow Christians in the church, with those in authority over us, and even with our enemies. Today, Sinclair Ferguson brings application from the closing chapters of Romans. Read the transcript: A...
After extolling the riches of the gospel, the book of Romans raises a sudden question: What about God's promises to Israel? Today, Sinclair Ferguson expounds on God's great plan to unite Jewish and gentile believers in Christ. Read the transcript: A...
This is the gospel: The holy God we've offended is the One who delivers us from sin's condemnation and clothes us in Christ's righteousness through faith. Today, Sinclair Ferguson surveys the staggering message of Romans 3-8. Read the transcript: A....
The opening chapters of Romans provide a devastating analysis of humanity's lost and sinful condition. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains how these verses emphasize our need for God's saving grace in the gospel. Read the transcript: A donor-supported...
All Scripture is inspired, yet some portions of God's Word are especially known for their transformative impact. Today, Sinclair Ferguson turns to the book that may have influenced the history of the church more than any other. Read the transcript:...
We will never know the full cost of our redemption, which drove Jesus to pray, "Let this cup pass from me" (Matt. 26:39). Today, Sinclair Ferguson takes us to the garden where Jesus submitted Himself to judgment in our place. Read the trans...
Little did Peter, James, and John know that when they saw the glory of Christ in His transfiguration, He was preparing them to witness His shame in the Garden of Gethsemane. Today, Sinclair Ferguson makes a connection between these two moments. Read....
At Caesarea Philippi, Jesus' disciples began to truly understand His identity and His mission. Today, Sinclair Ferguson identifies the turning point in Christ's ministry that took place here. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of...
In His baptism, Jesus was symbolically drenched in the sins of others so that He might carry them from the River Jordan to the cross of Calvary. Today Sinclair Ferguson considers the event that began Christ's public ministry. Read the transcript: A....
The whole of Jesus' life was lived under the shadow of the cross. As Christ faithfully served His Father each day, the agony of Calvary loomed ever nearer. Today, Sinclair Ferguson begins to reflect on the life of our Lord. Read the transcript: A...
The prophets promised a new covenant for God's people, and Jesus announced its arrival. But what change did this new covenant bring? Today, Sinclair Ferguson expounds on the glory that has come to us in the coming of Christ. Read the transcript: A.....
Why did God give so many commands to Israel? How do these laws relate to His gracious salvation through Jesus Christ? Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the purpose of the Mosaic Covenant in redemptive history. Read the transcript: A donor-supported...
We're bound to misunderstand the law that God delivered to His people at Mount Sinai if we forget His deliverance of Israel from slavery. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reminds us that God's law is given in a context of grace. Read the transcript: A...
Even after the earth was deluged with a flood, and even after the world united in rebellion at Babel, God kept His promise to save His people. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers God's covenant promises to Noah and Abraham. Read the transcript: A...
After Adam sinned in the garden, God made a promise of salvation that would shape the course of history and require the greatest sacrifice ever made. Today, Sinclair Ferguson examines the first promise of the covenant of grace. Read the transcript:...
We are SO excited to announce the return of Premier Christmas radio for a second year running! It's finally time to get festive with our pop-up Christmas radio station. Allow us to fill your days with Hope, Peace, Joy and Love this winter with our carefully crafted Christmas radio. Listen Now
This winter autumn your favourite worship station will be advertising a message of hope and joy across the nation. Share your blessing with us and help us raise a true spirit of praise on Premier Praise throughout the month of November. Either send us a message at [email protected] saying how God has blessed you through one of these tracks, or better still send us a voice note on our WhatsApp number 0303 040 4000.