Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

Many people today think that seeing is believing, but Christians know there is more to life than meets the eye. We must look beyond this momentary life to understand its eternal significance, walking by faith rather than by sight. Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson is a weekday devotional podcast featuring thoughtful reflections on the Christian life and our relationship with God. Each week follows a theme to guide you day by day in the pursuit of spiritual renewal. A podcast from Ligonier Ministries.

Come to Christ for Eternal Life

16 Sep 2024

Being a Christian is not about reading enough of the Bible to balance out our failures; it’s coming to Jesus Christ for eternal life. Today, Sinclair Ferguson visits the passage in Scripture that exposed his need for a Savior. Read the transcript: .....

The Power of the Spirit in Preaching

13 Sep 2024

All truly effective preaching shares one thing in common: it is attended by the power of the Holy Spirit. Today, Sinclair Ferguson focuses on the crucial yet often-neglected ministry of the Spirit through His preached Word. Read the transcript: A...

Different Kinds of Preachers

12 Sep 2024

Faithful, biblical preaching doesn’t have to follow a specific formula in order to bless God’s people. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reflects with gratitude on the variety of gifts and emphases that God gives to His preachers. Read the transcript: A...

The Effects of Preaching

11 Sep 2024

What effects should the preaching of God’s Word have on us? Today, Sinclair Ferguson shares words of wisdom from Jonathan Edwards on the influence that faithful preaching should have on the way Christians think and feel. Read the transcript: A...

What Is Wrong with Preaching Today?

10 Sep 2024

Why can it sometimes seem that the preaching in our church isn't bearing much fruit? Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers this problem and explains how every Christian in the congregation can contribute to the solution. Read the transcript: A...

How Important Is Preaching?

9 Sep 2024

Whether we’re preachers or listeners, the proclamation of God’s Word plays a role in our lives as Christians. But just how important is preaching? Today, Sinclair Ferguson addresses the centrality of this means of grace. Read the transcript: A...

Who Shall Separate Us?

6 Sep 2024

By God’s sovereign grace, the very things that threaten to separate us from Christ are tools in His hands to make us more like Him. Today, Sinclair Ferguson concludes his reflections on the closing words of Romans 8. Read the transcript: A...

Who Is to Condemn?

5 Sep 2024

With all our falls and failures in the Christian life, what hope do we have of escaping the sentence of condemnation that our sin deserves? Today, Sinclair Ferguson reminds us anew of our sweet security in our Lord Jesus Christ. Read the transcript:...

Who Shall Bring Any Charge?

4 Sep 2024

Satan accuses the people of God day and night. We’ll never escape his charges of sin and guilt by looking to our merits. Today, Sinclair Ferguson points out where we must go to find assurance against our enemy’s accusations. Read the transcript: ...

Who Can Be against Us?

3 Sep 2024

If God is for us, then all the devil’s efforts to destroy us will ultimately fail. Today, Sinclair Ferguson expresses how we can come to the deep, unshakable conviction that the Lord Himself is on our side. Read the transcript: A donor-supported...

Beloved Bible Verses

2 Sep 2024

What is your favorite passage in the Bible? Today, Sinclair Ferguson turns to one of the most cherished sections of Scripture and begins to address the remarkable questions that these verses raise. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of....

Named in Baptism

30 Aug 2024

God places His name on us in our baptism, marking us out as those called to trust in the Father, believe in the Son, and live in the power of the Holy Spirit. Today, Sinclair Ferguson singles out the central truth of baptism. Read the transcript: A....

Baptized: A New Identity

29 Aug 2024

Discussions about baptism often focus on what we are baptized with—how much water and how it’s to be applied. Today, Sinclair Ferguson encourages us to consider what we are baptized into—and how that affects our identity. Read the transcript: A...

Why Was Jesus Baptized?

28 Aug 2024

Sinners were coming to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. Why did Jesus, the sinless Son of God, ask to be baptized with that same water? Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the gospel message that this moment conveys. Read the transcript: A...

The Meaning of Baptism

27 Aug 2024

Baptism wasn't given to us just for the experience of a moment--it's a sign that affects every day of our Christian lives. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reminds us what our baptism teaches us about Christ and what He has done for us. Read the transcript:...