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The fruit of the Spirit cannot be artificially produced. These qualities must be developed in us by God’s grace. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the Lord’s purpose of growing His people in a wonderfully balanced way to make us increasingly like Christ. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Explore all of our podcasts:
Released on 10 Feb 2025
As the Holy Spirit works in our lives, He begins to uncomplicate us, filling us with love for others and forgetfulness of self. Today, Sinclair Ferguson articulates the simplicity and centrality of love in the Christian life. Read the transcript: A....
Christian joy is not the natural characteristic of a sunny disposition. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains that God’s grace alone can account for the joy produced in us as we go through trials and affliction. Read the transcript: A donor-supported...
In the gospel, Jesus draws near to restless hearts to make them whole and well in His presence. Today, Sinclair Ferguson describes the peace that Christians are graced to enjoy. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries....
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