Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul

Incommunicable Attributes

14 Jan 2023

As mutable creatures, we are always changing. But God is forever the same. Today, R.C. Sproul studies the unique attributes of God that we do not share, characteristics that should propel us to worship the Lord in all His holiness and glory. Get the....

Dwelling Within

13 Jan 2023

When Jesus faced temptation in the wilderness, He did not face it alone. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reveals who was with Jesus to support Him--and how this encourages us when we face our own temptations. Get the 'Who Is the Holy Spirit?' DVD + Study...

The Spirit of the Lord

12 Jan 2023

The Holy Spirit who dwells in us is the same Spirit who ministered in Jesus' life. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains how Christ's constant companion and friend is powerfully at work in the lives of Christ's people. Get the 'Who Is the Holy Spirit?'.....

The Face of God

11 Jan 2023

Can we find the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament? Today, Sinclair Ferguson shows how the Spirit has intimately revealed the heart of God throughout history, culminating in the fullness of God's revelation in Jesus Christ. Get the 'Who Is the Holy...

Order from Chaos

10 Jan 2023

The Holy Spirit is often the most misunderstood person of the Trinity. Who is this Spirit, and how do we relate to Him? Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the identity, character, and work of the Spirit of God. Get the 'Who Is the Holy Spirit?' DVD +...

Things Unseen

9 Jan 2023

In a world of distractions, Christians must fix their focus on knowing Christ and His Word. Today, Sinclair Ferguson introduces his new daily devotional podcast from Ligonier Ministries to help God's people think clearly and live faithfully for the.....

The Narrow Way

8 Jan 2023

Few ideas are more loathsome in an age of political correctness than the claim that there is only one way to God. Yet this is the clear teaching of Scripture. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his exposition of the gospel of Luke by examining Jesus' words...

Three in Person

7 Jan 2023

How can we distinguish between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit while still maintaining belief in one God? Today, R.C. Sproul continues his careful study of the doctrine of the Trinity. Get the 'Foundations: An Overview of Systematic Theology' DVD...

Perseverance of the Saints

6 Jan 2023

Can Christians lose their salvation? How should we think about our loved ones who used to profess faith in Christ but no longer believe? Today, R.C. Sproul examines the biblical teaching of the perseverance of the saints. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching.....

Irresistible Grace

5 Jan 2023

A common caricature of Calvinism is that God drags people kicking and screaming into His kingdom and shuts out others who desperately want to be there. Today, R.C. Sproul corrects this view as he reflects on God's irresistible grace. Get R.C. Sproul'...

Limited Atonement

4 Jan 2023

Jesus did not make salvation possible for everyone; He made it certain for His people. Today, R.C. Sproul explains what Christ accomplished on the cross. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'What Is Reformed Theology?' on DVD with the Digital Study...

Unconditional Election

3 Jan 2023

Scripture plainly teaches that the Lord sovereignly chooses who will be saved and who will not. How can this be? Today, R.C. Sproul examines the doctrine of election. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'What Is Reformed Theology?' on DVD with the...

Total Depravity: The Human Will

2 Jan 2023

The power of sin is so strong that only God can rescue us from spiritual death and bring us to faith. Today, R.C. Sproul discusses the effects of the fall on the human will. Get R.C. Sproul's Teaching Series 'What Is Reformed Theology?' on DVD with.....

A Little Leaven

1 Jan 2023

Jesus described the kingdom of God using surprising imagery: a little leaven and a tiny mustard seed. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his sermon series in the gospel of Luke to consider what these parables teach us about the powerful advance of God's...

One in Essence

31 Dec 2022

From its very first page, the Bible declares that there is one God over all creation. How do we square this truth with the revelation of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Today, R.C. Sproul speaks on the essential oneness of our triune God. Get th...