What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally? Today, R.C. Sproul communicates the importance of seeking after the plain meaning of God’s Word. Get R.C. Sproul’s teaching series Knowing Scripture on DVD, plus lifetime digital access to the...
Reading the Bible is a privilege. But this privilege brings the responsibility of interpreting Scripture correctly. Today, R.C. Sproul introduces foundational rules, methods, and principles for drawing out the intended meaning of God’s Word. Get...
How did Jesus’ disciples face persecution and even death for His sake? Because their fear of the Lord outweighed all fear of their enemies. From his sermon series in the gospel of Matthew, today R.C. Sproul explains the surprising motivation for a...
No matter our career or vocation, all Christians are called to be servants. Today, R.C. Sproul explains the significant role that faithful service and good works play in the Christian life. Request Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow, R.C....
When the Bible tells of God’s glory, it refers to His ultimate dignity, importance, and significance. Today, R.C. Sproul explores our privileged purpose as God’s creatures to glorify His name. Get R.C. Sproul’s teaching series God Alone on DVD,...
The Word of God has absolute authority because only God Himself can bind our consciences absolutely. Today, R.C. Sproul articulates the formal principle of the Protestant Reformation, sola Scriptura. Get R.C. Sproul’s teaching series God Alone on...
Jesus is the Mediator and Champion who does for His people what we could not possibly do for ourselves. Today, R.C. Sproul displays the preeminence of Christ’s work in our salvation. Get R.C. Sproul’s teaching series God Alone on DVD, lifetime...
Protestants affirm that we’re justified by faith alone. But where does our faith come from? Do we muster it up, or does God give it to us? Today, R.C. Sproul shows that these questions go back much earlier than the Reformation. Get R.C. Sproul’s...
How does God declare us righteous in His sight? Not by baptism, nor by penance, but through faith alone in Christ alone. Today, R.C. Sproul identifies the underlying cause of the Protestant Reformation. Get R.C. Sproul’s teaching series God Alone on....
Avoiding persecution is simple. All you have to do is compromise the gospel. From his sermon series in Matthew, today R.C. Sproul examines Jesus’ warning that the call to Christian faithfulness is a call to endure opposition. Get R.C. Sproul’s...
The Lord commands us to worship Him according to His Word, not our own preferences. Today, R.C. Sproul exhorts us to order our worship after the revealed will of God. Request Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow, R.C. Sproul’s companion book...
Presbyterians took root in the American colonies after the Anglicans and Congregationalists. This raised questions about the relationship between the church and state. Today, W. Robert Godfrey explains how Christians navigated these issues. With your...
Many in Puritan New England were confident that the future of the church was one of increasing success. Meanwhile, few were concerned about dangerous ideas infiltrating the church. Today, W. Robert Godfrey examines this tension. With your donation of...
From the beginning of the world, God has promised one way of salvation: by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Today, J.V. Fesko introduces the covenant of grace that unites all redemptive history. Request J.V. Fesko’s new book...
When we understand the covenant that Adam broke in the garden of Eden, we better understand our need for Jesus and the salvation He brings. Today, J.V. Fesko turns to the covenant of works revealed in the Bible’s earliest pages. Request J.V....
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