Nomad Podcast

For more than 15 years Nomad Podcast has been hosting conversations with theologians, activists and contemplatives from across the Christian spectrum and beyond. Reflecting on our evangelical heritage we explore the possibilities of a more inclusive, generous and hopeful faith.

David Benjamin Blower - Songs of Prayer and Resistance (N77)

24 Jun 2014

David Benjamin Blower is a prophet in the Old Testament tradition. Using music and the written word, he creatively and insightfully points the finger at himself and the world around him railing at the injustices he sees.  If you want more...

Gail Dines - Make Love Not Porn (N76)

5 Jun 2014

Gail Dines is a professor of sociology and women's studies. She has been studying porn and its effects on society for over 20 years, and has become one of the world's leading anti-porn activists. Why has she dedicated so much of her life to this...

Richard Wilkinson - Is Inequality the Root of all Evil? (N75)

23 May 2014

Richard Wilkinson is professor of social epidemiology (that's the distribution of disease within a society, in case you were wondering!). His book, The Spirit Level has caused quite a stir, because he believes he's answered a very long-standing...

Nadia Bolz Weber - How Not to Be a Boring Christian (N74)

9 May 2014

Nadia Bolz Weber is anything but boring, Raised in a fundamentalist church, she rebelled, immersed herself in a hedonistic lifestyle, found faith again, and now leads House for all Sinners and Saints. Tune in for a fascinating interview, full of...

Bob Ekblad - Social Action or Spirit Anointing? (N73)

24 Apr 2014

Bob Ekblad serves immigrants, inmates, homeless people and people struggling with addiction in the US. What's even more interesting about Bob though is how he seamlessly combines social justice with a miraculous healing ministry! If you want more...

Elaine Heath - How to be a Christian Mystic (N72)

10 Apr 2014

Lecturer in evangelism, theology and Chrisitan spirituality and author of The Mystic Way of Evangelism, Elaine Heath joins us on the show. We chat with Elaine about contemplative prayer, and the healing and outreach that naturally flows from it. So.....

Greg Boyd - Is Meat Murder? (N71)

10 Mar 2014

Theologian, church leader, and author Greg Boyd is back on the show. Greg believes a call to non-violence is at the heart of the gospel. He also believes this call impacts how we relate to animals. That's right, Greg's a vegetarian. Check out the...

Sharon Baker - For the Love of God, Can We Believe in Hell? (N70)

7 Feb 2014

Sharon Baker is a theologian and author of the controversial Razing Hell. Sharon takes issue with the traditional understanding of hell, and instead holds to a 'Christian Universalism' where all people are refined by God's purifying fire after their....

Pete Rollins - In God We Doubt (N69)

9 Jan 2014

Pete Rollins is a philosopher, writer and founder of the Ikon community. Pete believes that unless we die to certainty and embrace doubt then God becomes just another consumer product. God, in effect, becomes an idol. Sounds interesting! If you want....

Paul Kerensa - What Would Jesus Laugh at? (N68)

20 Dec 2013

Paul Kerensa is a stand-up comedian and BBC scriptwriter for shows like Miranda and Not Going Out. So he seemed like just the chap to talk to about the relationship between humour and religion, and to ask 'What would Jesus laugh at?' If you want more...

Michael Hardin - Was the Cross Cosmic Child Abuse? (N67)

10 Dec 2013

Michael Hardin is a theologian, founder of Preaching Peace, and author of The Jesus Driven Life. He's got a rather colourful background and doesn't mince his words, which always makes for an interesting interview. So we asked him whether God is reall...

Tom Wright - Paul and the Faithfulness of God (N66)

11 Oct 2013

We've somehow managed to persuade Tom Wright, one of the world's leading New Testament theologians, to come on the show for a third time! We ask Tom to summarise his 1680 page 'Paul and the Faithfulness of God', and ponder whether if he met him...

Pippa Evans - Worshipping at the Atheist Church (N65)

9 Oct 2013

We at Nomad recently had a revelation, perhaps we can learn from non-Christians as well as Christians. So we headed down to London and visited the Sunday Assembly, or The Atheist Church as it's become known. After 'worshipping' with 300 atheists,...

Steve Chalke - Gay Marriage: Abomination or Blessing? (N64)

24 Sep 2013

Steve Chalke is one of the UK's most influential evangelicals and he recently blessed a same-sex civil partnership. Needless to say, this caused a bit of a stir! So we caught up with him and asked him what led him to take this controversial step. If....

Mark Wakeling - Shopping with a Conscience (N63)

9 Sep 2013

Mark Wakeling is a man with a conscience and a man that's got the energy and creativity to follow it. He's a social entrepreneur who has founded Global SeeSaw, which sells ethical and Fair Trade products made by women in India exploited by human...