Bill Beagley: 30 Short Days Led to a Lifetime of Change


Bill Beagley heard of Mercy Ships many years ago and soon was aching to volunteer. When he heard that his electrical skills were needed on the Global Mercy, he jumped at the opportunity. He was only on board for 30 days, but the impact of those precious days will last a lifetime. In this episode Bill talks about the major life transformation that had to happen before he was able to volunteer on the Global Mercy. He shares the blessing of the many new friends he met as well as the reward of being a part of the transformations that will occur on board next year. Volunteers like Bill are vital to fulfilling our mission, and because of prayerful and generous friends like you, we are able to help even more people find the hope and healing they desperately need. Every donation, every prayer, and every person can touch the lives of so many. Your donation makes a difference. This GivingTuesday, give the gift of hope to someone in need. Visit to learn more.  

Released on 28 Nov 2022

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