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Faith and doubt seem like opposites. But having doubts doesn’t disqualify your faith—they can actually strengthen it! Find out more in the message.Start The Benefit of Doubt Bible Plan: deeper into your questions with Pastor Craig’s latest book: TO KNOW YOU—NEW!You get to hear our voices—now we want to hear yours! Check out this special survey for podcast listeners. It’ll allow us to get to know you better and hear how we can support you. Find the survey at: STEPSHave you made the decision to follow Jesus? You might be wondering what’s next for you. We want to help! Check out these resources to discover what saying yes to Jesus means: THIS MESSAGEAt some point, we’ve all questioned what we believe. But doubt isn’t a dead end. Confronting our deepest questions can actually lead us closer to Jesus. Together, let’s discover The Benefit of Doubt.ABOUT LIFE.CHURCHWherever you are in life, you have a purpose. Life.Church wants to help you find your next step. Our hope is that your journey will include joining us at a Life.Church location throughout the United States or globally online at locations, videos, and more info about us at or download the Life.Church app at US ON SOCIAL MEDIAFacebook: WITH PASTOR CRAIGYouTube: #craiggroeschel #thebenefitofdoubt
Released on 23 Feb 2025
Having faith feels easy when things are going our way. But what about when we’re struggling and we start questioning God? Learn how we can trust Him even when nothing around us makes sense.
It’s natural to rely on ourselves when things get hard. But what if the hope we’re looking for isn’t dependent on what we do? Let’s find out how it’s already ours.
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