Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life® TV Audio Podcast

Enjoying Everyday Life® is a daily TV and radio broadcast provided by Joyce Meyer Ministries.

Stop Running from God

20 Dec 2023

Sometimes following God means confronting a problem you'd rather forget. Joyce shares her testimony and stories from God's Word to encourage you.

Sowing & Reaping

19 Dec 2023

Being generous doesn't simply involve giving financially. Today, discover the benefits of being generous with your time, your energy, your talents, and what it means to give of yourself.

Loving Difficult People - Part 1

18 Dec 2023

Do you struggle to walk in love? Today, Joyce discusses agape love and the benefits of loving people who might be difficult to love.

It's Time for an Upgrade

15 Dec 2023

Don't live one more day with a wounded soul. Learn how to let go of the past and step into a new life…healed, whole, and free.

Jealous & Judgmental Attitudes - Part 2

14 Dec 2023

What causes you to lose your peace? Today, discover how to tap into the power that comes from a life of walking in peace.

Jealous & Judgmental Attitudes - Part 1

13 Dec 2023

Jealousy, envy, and a judgmental attitude will steal your peace. Find out how to save yourself time and energy by making peace a priority in your life!

Parables: Seeing Myself - Part 2

12 Dec 2023

The world is full of compromise, but we are called to a higher standard. Today, Joyce shares practical ways to display faith and humility.

Parables: Seeing Myself - Part 1

11 Dec 2023

God is able to do incredible things in you and through you. Discover the power of persistent prayer and start asking God for bigger things!

How to Unlock Your Purpose - Part 2

8 Dec 2023

Have you ever asked the ultimate question, "What's God's purpose for me"? Today, Joyce joins Ginger, Jai, and Erin to discuss the answer to that question and so much more.

How to Unlock Your Purpose - Part 1

7 Dec 2023

Have you ever wondered what God's purpose is for your life? Today, Joyce joins Ginger, Jai, and Erin to discuss the keys to embracing God's perfect will for your journey.

Right and Wrong Mindsets - Part 3

6 Dec 2023

God wants us to experience His goodness in our lives. Learn how to overcome obstacles that could keep you from enjoying your life.

Right and Wrong Mindsets - Part 2

5 Dec 2023

Life is full of challenges, but you are equipped to overcome them all! Find encouragement to press through, because God has good things waiting for you!

Right and Wrong Mindsets - Part 1

4 Dec 2023

You CAN live a powerful life in Christ! Be encouraged to persevere in faith, staying hopeful and positive every day.

Holiness - Part 3

1 Dec 2023

Are you serious about your journey with God? Today, Joyce wraps up her three-part series on holiness and teaches what it means to pursue a serious relationship with Christ.

Holiness – Part 2

30 Nov 2023

We were all made holy when we received Christ as our Savior. Today, Joyce teaches on the importance of repentance and letting go of guilt as part of living a holy life.