Faith in Parents #60 | Ed, John & a Fun-Sized Mars Bar


Ed and his brother, John, reflect on their own upbringing and how they were parented, and the lessons and encouragements from that. Apparently John stopped being mothered from the age of 11, and feels differently about what qualifies as a luxury, especially when it comes to fun-sized Mars bars.If this podcast encourages you as you disciple your kids, please do send this episode to a parent you think would appreciate it - maybe drop it into a WhatsApp group for your church's mums/dads/carers group, with something you found encouraging from the episode.Purchase our Newest Book: The new book Meals with Jesus from Faith in Kids in partnership with The Good Book Company can be ordered here. Faith in Kids Youtube channel is here where you can watch the EASTER BAKE ALONG with Martha Collison and Ed Drew.If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. We won't read out your emails on the podcast if you don't want us to, but we'd love to hear your stories and feedback.  We would love to speak to some families or share your stories on social media, be brave and get in touch!Genuinely, we love hearing from folks and helps us feel less like we are posting into the void - do send us a friendly hello, it might just make our day! (Someone actually did a month ago and it totally made Rachel's day!)Podcast edited by James Cary.Please prayerfully consider making a donation to the ministry of Faith in Kids.  For more information on Faith in Kids, go to Support the show

Released on 21 Apr 2021

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