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Ed helps us think about how we can prepare well for the New Year as parents. We have been thinking on the podcast recently about how we can rely on Emmanuel, Jesus, God with us in the mess and chaos. How to keep this message strong within our families is often a struggle. Ed talks here to Joe Henegan of The Good Book Company in a cross-over podcast to hear more of Ed's story as to how he became a Christian, his heart for Faith in Kids and more about using his new family devotional that looks at the meals Jesus eats from the book of Luke. If this encourages you as you disciple your kids, please do send this podcast on to a parent you think would appreciate it. This new book Meals with Jesus from Faith in Kids in partnership with The Good Book Company, can be pre-ordered here. Pre-ordering really helps us out, so if you think you are likely to get your paws on a copy, not only is it a good start for you and your family this 2021 but will further support Faith in Kids ministry.If you missed our 'Christmas Bake Along' video, it's not too late to watch it or send it to a friend, godchild, neighbour, church whatsapp group, small alien you have met someplace. The video with Martha Collison and Ed Drew making a gingerbread nativity and talking about 'God with Us' can be found on the Faith in Kids Youtube channel here.If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. We won't read out your emails on the podcast if you don't want us to, but we'd love to hear your stories and feedback. Genuinely, we love hearing from folks and helps us feel less like we are posting into the void - do send us a friendly hello, it might just make our day!Please prayerfully consider making a donation to the ministry of Faith in Kids. For more information on Faith in Kids, go to Support the show ( the show
Released on 30 Dec 2020
Ed, Amy and Jam are back with one last Christmas hurrah talking about best Christmas gifts ever. And here's your Christmas bonus gift. Not just one but TWO sketches, about the wise men meeting Jesus. And a tune from Awesome Cutlery.Get Michael J Tink...
Ed chats with Robin Barfield and Ben Putt from 'Everyday Dadding' to help us think about how we can be better parents, specifically, dads. We have been thinking on the podcast recently about how we can rely on Emmanuel, Jesus, God with us in the mess...
Ed and Amy chat with the mum of seven, Louise, to help us think about how lockdown is really going... and what we can do about it. We have been thinking on the podcast recently about how we can rely on Emmanuel, Jesus, God with us in the mess and cha...
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