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80% of women said that looking in the mirror made them feel bad.Our kids hear how we speak about our own bodies, they live in a culture that places value on how our bodies look or what they can do.Is there a better story we can tell our kids than “well I think you look lovely.”People:Ed Drew - is the Director of Faith in Kids. Starting out as an engineer, he became the children's ministry leader for a large church in London for 12 years, before setting up Faith in Kids in 2017. He is the author of Meals with Jesus, the Wonder of Easter and The Adventure of Christmas. He is the presenter of the Faith in Kids podcast. He’s married to Mary and they have three children.Amy Smith - is a writer for Faith in Kids. She co-hosts the Faith in Parents podcast. She lives in Liverpool with her husband Ste and their four lively children. She is passionate about teaching the Bible to children faithfully, simply and creatively. Amy is happiest on a beach or adventuring with her family.Sam Allberry - is a pastor, apologist, author and speaker. He is the author of a number of books, including Is God Anti-Gay?; What God Has to Say About Our Bodies; Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?; and 7 Myths about Singleness.Resources:- The ‘Who am I?’ downloadable resource for churches - ‘I am given a body’ Podcast episode on this topic for the whole family to listen together- What God has to say about our bodies by Sam Allberry- Embodied by Preston Sprinkle- God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies by Justin HolcombSupport the show
Released on 16 Nov 2022
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