Faith in KIDS #99 Good News People Keep On Trusting


Do you sing when you’re winning? If you’re a good news person, you’re always winning, although it doesn’t always feels like it. Especially when you’re thrown in prison like Paul and Silas. Although the only thing anyone is going to remember from this podcast is the bit with the gibbon. More action from Action Tim, God is Bigger by Awesome Cutlery and some shout outs.  Don’t forget you can download the craft! There are crafts to accompany every episode. Download them here brand new “Growing Up” Resources are out NOW for parents and churches to use together as we help our children grow up in today’s world, with God’s word as their guide. Head to for all the details on this excellent series. They’re growing up fast so come on, let’s share God’s good story.Support the Show.

Released on 28 Jul 2023

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