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Where did the summer go? Is it that time already? Back to school? Here's Ed and Jam with one last podcast in the series to send you off through school gates remembering what's important and that Jesus is with you. Looking at Psalm 23. Plus a big animal quiz!With God Together - A series of Sunday School lessons based on PsalmsPsalm 23 read by Tilly Cary. Second time with Zoe, Ethan and KatyFaith in Parents #69 | BACK TO SCHOOL. With God. Together... a conversation with Mark MeynellSupport the show
Released on 27 Aug 2021
Join Ed, Pete, Mark and Kate as they discuss life at the 18th year of parenting and beyond. Mark and Kate are knee-deep in this parenting stage and Pete Dray works with students for UCCF as the Director of Creative Evangelism and has some helpful st...
Join Ed, Amy and Risen Motherhood's Laura Wifler as they chat through finding and thriving in gospel moments in the everyday challenges of parenthood. They chat through the highs and lows of parenting expectations and reality with a good angle in on...
Join Ed, Amy and Nay Dawson as they talk through a Christian approach to Halloween for parents. We can use Halloween as an opportunity to talk to our children about fearless faith, living distinctively and loving generously. It is also the one time w...
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