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Take a deep breath and count to five. But in what language? Ed and Jam (and Josh with back up from big sister Beth) talk about the wonderful world of languages, how they started, where they'll end up (hint: around the throne of Jesus, Revelation 7:9-10) and how the Russians have lots of words for Blue. There's also a chat with Mark Vernon in Gambia!Revelation 7:9-10 read by Anna Nicholson. Read it HEREHome in Heaven is sung by Randall Goodgame and can be found on the Sing the Gospel album.Have a look at The Faith in Kids Youtube ChannelED'S GOT QUESTIONS3-5 What will Heaven be like? 5-7 Which languages will you understand in heaven? 8-11 How is this picture of Heaven different to what life is like at the moment? 11+ In your community, do you feel like the odd one out, or you do feel like you’re usually just the same as others? Do you know someone who feels different because of their culture, language or skin colour?Episode recorded and produced by James Cary.If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. We won't read out your emails on the podcast if you don't want us to, but we'd love to hear your stories and feedback.Please prayerfully consider making a donation to the ministry of Faith in Kids.The Faith in Parents podcast is for parents who want to read the Bible with their kids, from toddlers to teens - and to see churches resources and equipped for work with children and young people. For more information on Faith in Kids, go to Support the show
Released on 19 Aug 2020
Ed talks to Steve Midgley (Senior Minister of Christ Church Cambridge) about teenage years when our children's independence is expressed, their preferred lifestyle is being explored and their personal values are now being owned. This is all normal an...
Ed can't sing, but that doesn't stop him doing it - because we were made to sing God's praises - and other songs that are hard to recognise when Josh sings them. Ed is challenged to pick out six different instruments, some of which he'd never heard o...
School is back and it's all quite uncertain, so Ed, Jam and Amy are back with some encouraging words from Joshua 1, as well as some pretty weird schools in the fun facts. And a song from Dumbrocks, Don't it Blow Your Mind.Watch Jam's Joshua YouTube v...
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