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When did it go all wrong for you? And what did you do next? And what does that have to do with pajamas? EVERYTHING! Ed and Jam are back with a new series on Nehemiah called God’s Big Build, with the usual fun facts, but also an EXCLUSIVE to a press conference that tells us all we need to know about Nehemiah. Throw in a sketch and song by Slugs and Bugs (Trust in the Lord) and we’re ready to saddle up and clip clop our way back to Jerusalem to get building!Find out more about God's Big Build HERESupport the show
Released on 17 Jan 2025
The journey continues as Ed & Amy go off-road into the harder parenting moments. Whatever the stage of parenting, there will be situations that take us and our children to our limits. Listen in to a few scenarios....- The screaming toddler on the...
Have you got the skills to build a wall? What happens when you don’t know how you can help? Ed and Jam are back with Nehemiah who is trying to rebuild walls of Jerusalem with butchers, bakers and candlestick makers. Plus fun facts about another famou...
Can you eat upside down? When your tummy rumbles, does that mean you’re hungry? And what do you do when the food runs out? Nehemiah had it all to do in Jerusalem as he led the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls and the gates (including the Dung Gate). A...
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