Faith in KIDS #107 Easter Explained: I AM HE!


Ed and Jam are back with a series called Easter Explained! Can you guess what it’s about?  We are bringing to life 4 statements that Jesus says in the book of John. In a way, it’s like Easter explained by Jesus, a man on a mission to give his life to save his friends.All that, plus five fabulous facts (with fanfare!) including how a sunflower is a bunch on its own, we discover the world’s most popular drink and we ask ‘how many swords does it take to crown a King of England?’ Music from Awesome Cutlery and a funny sketch too, performed by Rob and Nat at 4Front Theatre!Let’s give our children a bigger view of both who Jesus is and what he has done so they can be ready to trust him as their risen Lord. Click for all kinds of brilliant resources HERE!Support the show

Released on 8 Mar 2024

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