Faith in KIDS #103 A Girl Called Mary


Ed and Jam are back with a Christmas series particularly aimed at the younger members of the family. It's all part of Come Along, Christmas! Is Christmas starting? When does it start in your house? How do you know? Ed and Jam talk about when they know Christmas is coming in their homes. Plus fun facts about a very ordinary woman (and how to grow taller by going into space) – and although Mary was ordinary, some extraordinary things happened. A sketch as Gabriel gets nervous about the big news, and music from Dumbrocks’s brilliant festive album, The Glory of Christmas: is a whole range of resources for Come Along Christmas available on our website now. Check out our film which tells the story of our ordinary characters this extraordinary Christmas in under 3 mins.You'll also find our family activity pack full of fun and creative ways to get to know our Christmas characters. to Faith in Kids the show

Released on 24 Nov 2023

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