
Does God Lead Us Into Temptation? (The Lord’s Prayer Pt. 5)

10 Jun 2024

Sermon on the Mount E24 – Many of us first learned the King James translation of the final, personal request in the Lord’s Prayer: “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” But does God actually lead us into temptation? In a motif tha...

What Forgiveness Is and Isn't (The Lord's Prayer Pt. 4)

3 Jun 2024

Sermon on the Mount E23 – The second half of the Lord’s prayer contains four requests on behalf of the person praying. The second personal request is for God to forgive us. But forgiveness is not just a transaction between individuals or between God...

What Does Jesus Mean by “Daily Bread”? (The Lord’s Prayer Pt. 3)

27 May 2024

Sermon on the Mount E22 – The first half of the Lord’s Prayer features three requests on behalf of God and his Kingdom: he is our Father in the skies, whose name we recognize as holy and whose way of life we want to see on the land. The second half o...

What Does “Hallowed Be Thy Name” Mean? (The Lord’s Prayer Pt. 2)

20 May 2024

Sermon on the Mount E21 – Prayer is at the center of the center of the Sermon on the Mount. And it’s in this section of teaching that Jesus gives us a simple prayer that we can participate in. It’s only 12 lines long, but it contains a universe of id...

How Does Jesus Teach Us to Pray? (The Lord’s Prayer Pt. 1)

13 May 2024

Sermon on the Mount E20 – We are now halfway through studying Jesus' most famous sermon, which brings us to the Lord’s Prayer. What’s the significance of a prayer being right here at the center? And what’s the purpose of regularly reciting a short pr...

Why Say “Kingdom of the Skies” Instead of “Kingdom of Heaven”? – Sermon on the Mount Q+R 2

6 May 2024

Sermon on the Mount Q+R 2 (E19) – How do we reconcile Jesus’ words about the Law with other New Testament teachings? How is God’s justice with gehenna different from karma? And why does the BibleProject translation of the Sermon on the Mount refer to...

Jesus’ Surprising Warning About Religious Practices

29 Apr 2024

Sermon on the Mount E18 – In Matthew 6, Jesus turns his attention to religious practices of his day, specifically generosity to the poor, prayer, and fasting. But Jesus gives a surprising warning about these practices: if you do religious practices t...

What "Hypocrite" Means to Jesus

22 Apr 2024

Sermon on the Mount E17 – In Matthew 6, Jesus transitions from sharing a vision for righteousness that fulfills the Torah and Prophets to talking about how true righteousness impacts religious practices. Religious practices—like prayer, serving the p...

Why Does Jesus Want Us to Love Our Enemies?

15 Apr 2024

Sermon on the Mount E16 – In Matthew 5:43-48, Jesus shares his sixth and final case study based on the wisdom of the Torah, and it may be the most challenging one yet. The first three case studies focused on treating others as sacred image-bearers of...

What Jesus Means by “Turn the Other Cheek”

8 Apr 2024

Sermon on the Mount E15 – In Matthew 5:38-42, Jesus offers wisdom from the Torah about retaliation, justice, and nonviolent resistance to injustice. He references a series of laws in Exodus 21, Leviticus 24, and Deuteronomy 19, all of which contain t...

Why Does Jesus Say Not to Swear Oaths?

1 Apr 2024

Sermon on the Mount E14 – In Matthew 5:33-48, Jesus offers three case studies about how people can work together in spite of conflict. The first case study focuses on the ancient practice of oath keeping. By the time of Jesus, ancient Israelites no l...

How Jesus Responded to the Divorce Debate

25 Mar 2024

Sermon on the Mount E13 – In Matthew 5:31-32, Jesus offers a quote from the Torah about when it is lawful to divorce, and then he shares his perspective. But what is the context of these words, and how would Jesus’ original audience have heard them?...

Jesus' Vision for Sex and Desire

18 Mar 2024

Sermon on the Mount E12 – In Matthew 5:27-30, Jesus references the Torah’s command to not commit adultery (Exod. 20:14), going on to say that any man who lusts (or “goes on looking”) at a woman commits adultery with her in his heart. So what is his s...

Why Do the Beatitudes Matter for the Overworked and Hopeless? – Sermon on the Mount Q+R 1

11 Mar 2024

Why do we not find the Sermon on the Mount in the gospels of Mark or John? Why is “blessed” not a good translation of the word makarios? And if Jesus says that mourning, powerlessness, and poverty are the key to the good life, should we pursue those...

How Is Anger the Same as Murder?

4 Mar 2024

Sermon on the Mount E10 – In Matthew 5:21-48, Jesus reveals the divine wisdom of Israel’s Old Testament laws through six case studies. In the first case study, he expounds on one of the Ten Commandments, “Do not murder” (Exod. 20:13). After acknowled...

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