Bethel Redding Sermon of the Week

Bethel's mission is revival – the personal, regional, and global expansion of God's Kingdom through His manifest presence.

We are a congregation of hope-filled believers, rooted in the love of God and dedicated to worldwide transformation through revival. It's our goal for God's love to be manifest in signs, wonders and miracles. It's our vision to see history become His-story as the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of our God. We welcome you to join us in this adventure! Thank you for listening with us and sharing this with your community.

Bethel Redding Sermon of the Week is released on Wednesdays and is also available in seven other languages:

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Cultures That Cultivate World Changers

26 Jul 2015

Kris Vallotton speaks on a culture of encouragement. In the New Testament we see Barnabas encouraging Paul who in turn encourages Timothy. It's vital to surround ourselves with people who believe in us.

The Power of Trust

19 Jul 2015

Bill Johnson leads an intimate study of Proverbs 3:5-12. In these verses we're commanded to trust, fear and honor the Lord. We are designed to bear much fruit and these verses show us how!

Spaces and Places

12 Jul 2015

Eric Johnson encourages us to be intentional about our time and to create memorable moments and time apart. Being too busy and distracted can rob us of quality of life and keep us from facing things we need to deal with. Like the Lord Jesus, who carv...

Fathering a Generation

5 Jul 2015

Eric Johnson teaches on having a father's heart towards people. Fathers are present, focused, inclusive, encouraging and authentic. As children of God we have a responsibility to show the love of our Father to our fellow man!

Prayer Strategies

28 Jun 2015

Bill Johnson teaches us how to pray for our country. We need voices of truth who will not be intimidated by the political or religious spirit. It's time to restore righteousness to our land!

Releasing Fathers; Revealing the Father

21 Jun 2015

Paul Manwaring addresses five lies that prevent men from being the fathers God's called them to be. Our life assignment, like Jesus, is to reveal the Father by being a son. Regardless of gender or role, we have the privilege of being His children and...

Understanding the Scriptures: Part 1

14 Jun 2015

Kris Vallotton sheds light on how believers are to relate to the Word of God. It's important that we hold each truth in tension, live on the proceeding word of God, and build precept upon precept. The point of reading the Bible is to come into a rela...

Redefining Success

7 Jun 2015

Candace Johnson speaks on the elements of success. Success looks like love, generosity, stewardship, gratitude, excellence and obedience as well as living powerfully and partnering with truth. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

The Gospel of Power

31 May 2015

Kris Vallotton preaches on the gospel of power. In the book of Acts, we see that the early church needed the baptism of the Holy Spirit in order to be witnesses of Jesus throughout the world. Jesus always intended for us to do greater works than Him!...

Worship: The War of Peace

24 May 2015

Bill Johnson explains the sacrificial nature of praise and thanksgiving. Scripture says that we enter His courts through gates of praise. When we praise the Lord even when it's difficult, even when the breakthrough has not yet arrived, we give Him an...

Worship: Faith, Freedom, and Work

17 May 2015

Eric Johnson and Jeremy Riddle share their insights into the the key role that faith plays in our worship to the Lord. Faith isn't simply mental acceptance of theological ideas, rather it has a physical expression in our actions. Faith is central to...

Worship: The Postures of Praise

10 May 2015

Brian and Jenn Johnson teach on the lifestyle of worship. They encourage us to engage in the different postures of praise that are found in the Bible. Just like King David, we are invited to find God's heart and develop an affectionate connection wit...

Worship: The Supreme Call

3 May 2015

Bill Johnson begins a new series on worship. We are designed to respond to God's presence with worship, and as we do so, we are continually transformed into the likeness of Jesus. Thanksgiving and praise are necessary sacrifices, but in worship, we o...

More at Any Cost

26 Apr 2015

Bill Johnson exhorts us to continue to pursue the more of God at any cost. Hunger for more should be partnered with biblical keys in order to avoid deception; recognizing Jesus as the Son of God, the authority of Scripture, and the necessity of the a...

It's the Seventh Day

19 Apr 2015

Bill Johnson encourages the body of believers to surround and support those who have taken extraordinary risk in the areas of finances, relationships, health, and ministry and are still waiting on their breakthroughs. Just as Joshua and the Israelite...