Bethel Redding Sermon of the Week

Bethel's mission is revival – the personal, regional, and global expansion of God's Kingdom through His manifest presence.

We are a congregation of hope-filled believers, rooted in the love of God and dedicated to worldwide transformation through revival. It's our goal for God's love to be manifest in signs, wonders and miracles. It's our vision to see history become His-story as the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of our God. We welcome you to join us in this adventure! Thank you for listening with us and sharing this with your community.

Bethel Redding Sermon of the Week is released on Wednesdays and is also available in seven other languages:

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Bonded in Battle

11 Apr 2021

Healthy bonding is critical for a fulfilling life. Kris Vallotton uses few Biblical stories to help illustrate what healthy bonding within family and friends looks like. Healthy connection and bonding protects and guides our compassion for each other...

Hearing Leads to Faith

4 Apr 2021

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Bill Johnson teaches how to recognize the voice of God. His voice is not limited by our comprehension. He is always talking to us.

A Resurrection Needs a Cross

28 Mar 2021

Familiarity can create resistance in our understanding of what God is doing. Bill Johnson challenges us to return to what brought us to where we are today. Let us continue to be hungry for more of God.

Loving Like God

21 Mar 2021

Only love is transformational. Kris Vallotton explains that whether transformation is needed personally, organizationally, or regionally, love expressed individual to individual is the key. As the church, it is our responsibility to extend love to on...

War-like Prayers

14 Mar 2021

In the same way we are designed to be a living instrument that perceives God, we have been designed to influence His heart. Bill Johnson teaches us the importance of abiding prayer. We engage with God to make a difference on Earth.

The Coming Reformers Part 3

7 Mar 2021

What you believe about the end has everything to do with how you behave in the middle. Kris Vallotton continues his message of the coming reformers. Because of our trust in Jesus, we have hope for the future.

Designed to Hear from God

28 Feb 2021

Our obedience before He speaks is what attracts His voice into our situation. Bill Johnson encourages us to recognize our ability to hear from God. Our conversion was a response to His invitation.

The Coming Reformers Part 2

21 Feb 2021

True transformation happens from the inside out. Kris Vallotton reminds us Jesus commissioned us to transform lives which transforms culture, but from the inside out. Love is the key no matter your circumstance.

Please, Don't Pluck The Weeds!

14 Feb 2021

What is our responsibility to each other and the world? Dann Farrelly unpacks Jesus' teaching on the "Parable of the Weeds". Align yourself with Christ's teaching to release the grace and mercy intended in our lives and in the lives of others.

Intentional Speech

7 Feb 2021

The power of life and death are in the tongue. Bill Johnson encourages us to partner with God to build up those around us. When we discover the heart of God for people, nothing will keep us from encouraging them.

We Love You, Bethel Family

31 Jan 2021

We're so grateful for the many years of Eric and Candace Johnson's strength, vision, and heart here at Bethel. We love them, and celebrate them as they transition to a new chapter of life!

From Glory to Glory to Glory

24 Jan 2021

The enemy diverts attention to defile your affection to God. Bill Johnson encourages us to focus on God’s Presence. It is always God’s intent to take us from glory to glory! Haggai 2, 2 Chronicles 5, Nehemiah 8, Exodus 19:6, Isaiah 61:7, 2 Peter 1:9,...

The Coming Reformers Part 1

17 Jan 2021

Humility is the way forward. Kris Vallotton shares with us how to position our hearts to love those we may not agree with. If we want to heal our land, we must humble ourselves and find ways to love people in ways they have never seen before.

Farewell and Final Charges

10 Jan 2021

After 20 years serving at Bethel Church, Eric Johnson shares his farewell message. We bless Eric and Candace to continue to prosper in their new adventures. Hear his exhortation to the church moving forward.

Looking Ahead

3 Jan 2021

The promises of God are meant to set us free not to trap us. Eric Johnson challenges us to determine who we will be this year. Put on love, take action, and look ahead to your future.