Matters of Life & Death

Coronavirus: The second lockdown

11 Nov 2020

The second coronavirus lockdown started here in the UK on 5 November and is due to last the rest of the month. Unlike the first time round in the spring, we aren’t going into this with our eyes closed – we know the lockdown will cause immense economi...

Coronavirus: Vaccines - part 2

9 Nov 2020

We received a fascinating question from a listener after our last episode on vaccines, picking up on the competing and perhaps contradictory philosophies behind the anti-vax movement. So we decided to respond to their question and thoughts with a spe...

Coronavirus: Vaccines - part 1

8 Oct 2020

There are about 40 different potential covid vaccines already being tested on humans, with almost a hundred more at earlier stages of development in the lab. The delivery of a vaccine is seen by many as the silver bullet which could end the pandemic...

Coronavirus: Mental health, anxiety and hope

10 Sep 2020

We’re back after a slightly longer than expected summer break with a new episode, all about our fears, anxieties and hopes amid the pandemic. People are afraid of the virus, and understandably so after months of the government stoking our anxiety to...

Coronavirus: Technology - part 2

24 Jun 2020

In the second part of our conversation on technology during the coronavirus pandemic, we look into our crystal balls and try to imagine what the world of tech will look like in the future, thanks to Covid-19. Are the major American tech companies are...

Coronavirus: Technology - part 1

19 Jun 2020

One of the perhaps unexpected results of the coronavirus pandemic is how it has thrown up some fascinating debates about technology. Many countries, including the UK, have been grappling with if and how they could use Bluetooth apps to try and trace...

Coronavirus: Death and spirituality during a pandemic

26 May 2020

For many years death has been described as perhaps the final taboo in British society. Rarely it is deemed polite to mention the uncomfortable fact that one day we all will die, let alone try to bring faith or spirituality into that conversation. But...

Coronavirus: Life in the NHS

16 May 2020

Protect the NHS. It has been one of the key government slogans, designed to inspire us to stay with the lockdown so that hospitals do not get overwhelmed by coronavirus patients and services collapse under the pressure. In today's episode we examine...

Coronavirus: The ethics of triage

13 May 2020

First come, first served? Or key workers and politicians before everyone else? How can doctors decide who to treat in a healthcare emergency when there are not enough beds or ventilators to go around? Triage, the practice of working out who to care f...

Coronavirus: Thinking as a Christian during Covid-19

29 Apr 2020

Our third episode on coronavirus zooms in to focus on how Christians should be thinking and acting during the pandemic. We ask how we might square this global crisis with our belief in a sovereign and loving God and if we should look for anything goo...

Coronavirus: How this pandemic is unlike anything before

27 Apr 2020

In this second episode in our series on coronavirus, we explore how Covid-19 is different to plagues in the past. Building on what we learned about how Christians in generations before us responded to similar crises, how should we be navigating these...

Coronavirus: Christians in times of plague

23 Apr 2020

Our first ever episode of Matters of Life and Death kicks off a short series on coronavirus. Today we take a lightning tour through the history of the church, going all the way back to the Roman Empire, to try and see how Christians have responded to...