Coronavirus: Vaccines - part 3


The first coronavirus vaccine jabs have already gone into the arms of people here in the UK, as Britain this week became the first country in the world to actually deploy a vaccine which had completed all its clinical trials and been signed off by the regulator. But there remain lots of questions about the vaccine – how has it been made so fast, can we be sure it is safe, who should get it first, and can Christians be given it without compromising on their religious convictions?

Listen to previous episodes on covid vaccines here:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -

Read John's article on vaccines and Christian ethics here - At the bottom is a document which has more detailed information on which particular vaccines have used which particular cell lines which may have ethical concerns, produced by the pro-life research centre the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

John has also put together a document on his website tackling some of the frequently asked questions about the vaccine -

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Released on 11 Dec 2020

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