Paul’s last words to the Galatians highlight the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ freely given to them, not as a reward for the righteous, but as a gift for the guilty.
Elijah served Christ during times of spiritual declination, darkness, and defiance, and he remained faithful.
The new creature in Christ rejoices that God’s peace and mercy rests upon them because His wrath is turned away from them, by faith in the blood of Christ.
The Apostle in teaching Christ is risen from the dead, then used an example what would it means for believers, if Christ has not risen from the dead, the answer we would fear death, but since Christ is risen, believers have nothing to fear in death.
The source of walking in the Spirit is the result of the Holy Spirit living in the life at the moment of salvation.
Paul in his defence of Christ’s resurrection teaches if Christ did not rise from the dead as some claim, them preaching the gospel is an empty exercise. However since Christ is risen our preaching is not vain, hope for eternal life.
Paul in his defence of Christ’s resurrection teaches if Christ did not rise from the dead as some claim, then the hope we profess about Christ is false. However as Christ is risen our profession, proof and witness is true because its founded on Scripture.
The Apostle answers some who question Christ’s resurrection, by stating what it would if Christ did not rise from the dead. Paul challenges their thinking so they will understand that Christ is risen and why He arose.
The comfort for the believer in Christ rising from the dead means our final destination is not the grave but heaven. This was confirmed when Christ arose. Christ’s resurrection guarantees the resurrection of all who trust in Him.
Believers are enabled to walk in the Spirit because they are redeemed by Jesus blood and regenerated or given new life, spiritual life, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The death of Jesus Christ was sacrificial, He willingly lay down His life for sinners He came to save.
When God promised to blot out all sin, He promises to do so by choosing not to remember them. He promises Sins blotted out will never be remembered, recovered or revisited.
When God blots out all sin, He erases it, wipes it away completely, perfectly and eternally. This provision for sins blotted out is found by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.
The prophet Isaiah teaches the purpose or reason why God blots out and wipes away all sin from those He forgives, is For the Glory of His own name, and for His own pleasure and purpose.
Sinners who are legally positioned in Christ will then pursue after Christ growing grace.