Leading The Way

Along with partners committed to changing the world, Dr. Michael Youssef is leading the way for people living in spiritual darkness to discover the light of Christ. By passionately proclaiming uncompromising Truth through creative methods, Leading The Way’s international team of experts is uniquely providing hope that is revolutionizing lives around the world. Celebrating more than 30 years of ministry, Leading The Way’s television and radio programs are broadcast in 28 languages to audiences across six continents through dual-language programs, Leading The Way’s satellite television channel THE KINGDOM SAT, daily and weekly radio broadcasts, and solar-powered Leading The Way Navigators. Leading The Way also produces DVDs, CDs, books, a monthly devotional magazine, and daily electronic and audio devotionals to reach the lost and encourage believers in their faith. The ministry utilizes field ministry teams to evangelize seekers and disciple new believers. Dr. Youssef’s unique perspective has given him many platforms to speak boldly into today’s issues and provide Biblical solutions to the challenges Christians are facing today.

Weekdays from 9am on Premier Christian Radio

Heal Me O God, Part 2

14 Jul 2023

Today, Dr. Youssef addresses how Satan ambushes believers in attempts to squelch the POWER of Christians and the Church. It’s a message Dr. Youssef is calling TruePower.

Heal me O God

14 Jul 2023

On today's episode of Leading The Way, Dr. Youssef begins a short series called Heal Me O God. It’s a look at spiritual healing available through Jesus.

The Sin of Removing Landmarks

14 Jul 2023

Today, a challenge to see Independence Day in a new light.... through Dr. Youssef’s inspiring and challenging message, The Sin of Removing Landmarks. Scripture ref: Proverbs 22

Can you prolong life

14 Jul 2023

Today on Leading The Way, Dr.Youssef looks at fascinating words in the Bible that pointedly answer theage-old question . . . Can You ProlongYour Life? Scripture ref: Matthew 6

Treasure that lasts: Giving up Gold for Glory

14 Jul 2023

Dr. Youssef begins today’s Leading The Way . . . revealing the protection, presence, and provision of God for Israel. Listen with me Scripture ref: Exodus 14

12 Evidences of Faith (part 5)

14 Jul 2023

Today on Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef takes you to James chapter two (2) for a look at FAITH. He reveals the TRUTH of how faith and works must be synced with a Spirit-Filled life!

12 Evidences of Faith (part 4)

13 Jul 2023

Today on LTW with Dr Michael Youssef with a powerful message called Loving The Unlovable – unpacking practical ways to move beyond relationship hurts and be more like Jesus!

12 Evidences of Faith (part 3)

12 Jul 2023

Getting Cleansed by the Word is the title of Dr. Michael Youssef’s message . . . next on . . . Leading The Way . . .

12 Evidences of Faith (part 2)

11 Jul 2023

Today on Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef offers tools for . . . ‘Defeating Temptation.’

12 Evidences of Faith (part 1)

10 Jul 2023

Today on Leading The Way, Dr.Michael Youssef looks at the intersection of faith and life . . . and how seasons of trial (big or small) are evidence to the reality of Jesus to those around you.

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